The open-source Brand Protection Library made for developers and marketers.

The open-source Brand Protection Library made for developers and marketers.

OpenBPL is a set of libraries that gives you the tools to build your own brand protection pipeline. Scan the Web, social media, and marketplaces for brand infringements and automatically take them down.

OpenBPL is a set of libraries that gives you the tools to build your own brand protection pipeline. Scan the Web, social media, and marketplaces for brand infringements and automatically take them down.


Get started in <5 mins

Get started in <5 mins

You can get started with OpenBPL with Docker by running the following commands in your terminal:

$ docker pull openbpl/openbpl
$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 openbpl/openbpl

Follow the printed instructions to open the app in your browser, and complete the onboarding steps to set up your scanners

Choose from 14+ different scanners

One-click install scanning providers for certificate registrations, canary tokens, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many more

Capture full screenshots + metadata

Our automated browser sandbox captures full page screenshots and allows you to write LLM-based or script-based automations.

Enrich threats with lifecycle events

Piece together information from multiple different scanners to create a detailed timeline from threat creation to takedown

Send automated takedowns to 40+ providers

Extract hosting providers, domain registrars, and business IDs to automatically send legal notices and takedown requests